Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Sunday, January 10, 2016

There is a World Going On Around Us

It's seems like it's an epidemic, it's part of our every day life.  Maybe you've noticed it too. Somehow we've become attached to our cell phones. You notice every where you go. In a crowded restaurant, a doctor's office, in the grocery store line, it's every where. Where once was conversation and interaction, people with their heads down staring at phone screens has taken its place.   We have found for some reason we need to be entertained constantly. There is apparently no need for meaningful conversation.  Nowadays most of our conversation comes from a text message.  Frankly it's sometimes hard to remember the days before we had it all in the palm of our hand.  Technology is great,  so much information at our fingertips.  Want to see a movie? Boom just like that showtimes.  Have a question? Google can most likely answer it. Hey I have won many a bet that way. It's instant gratification. Let's not get started on social media.  There is so much political propaganda being hurled at us daily. Where it once was a fun way to keep up with classmates, friends and family, it has become a minefield of news stories and political opinions.   You can spend 5 minutes on social media and be irate and depressed.  While I do think it's a great platform to get some important issues and alerts out there, I believe more and more it's becoming a way to spread hatred and intolerance.  Meanwhile we are missing out on a world going on around us.
   It's prevalent in my life as well. We as a family have tried to set boundaries. We have instituted a 20.00 rule for dinner time. That is sacred family time. You pick up your phone and look at it during the meal it costs you 20 bucks. Dinner time is family bonding time period. Look I get it we all love to be entertained.  But if you are out with someone try conversation. You just might learn something about one another. Try putting your phone down for at least an hour a day and giving 100 percent of yourself to someone.  Enjoy an activity but most of all enjoy the world going on around you. Time is precious once spent you can't get it back. Those kiddos and grandkids will be grown before you know it.  Ps at least read this before you set it down 
Have a blessed and adventurous 2016
Kenney Big Skinny Pope. 

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