Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Our Plans

As much as we like to think we have it all figured out, we don't. We can plan for a lot of things concerning our future. We can plan on what college we attend. We can plan on our profession. We can plan a wedding. For as many things as we can plan for in our future, there are so many more unseen variables. What do you do when you suddenly lose a job and planned income? What do you do when you are suddenly faced with the reality of a terminal disease? What do you do when that sweet child that you planned a college education for has gone astray and  is facing legal troubles or maybe an unplanned teen pregnancy?
      There are many more examples of the unplanned circumstances. There are the few that might not face any of these hardships. There are many that will. What do you do when it seems like all hope is lost? When it seems that your faith is being tested. The truth is no one was promised a trial free life.
     I see friends and family all around me hurting financially, physically and emotionally. I have seen some lose hope and give up the fight.  I myself have seen hard times. After loosing my job, we have struggled to stay afloat. Many times I found myself in a pool of doubt and self pity. Poor me poor me. I'm ashamed of myself because I realized there are those who have it far worse than me. Well I say I realized it but the truth is Cynthia was constantly pointing it out.
      The one example I come back to is Job in the bible. He lost everything.  Even though he was surrounded by negativity he remained positive. Even the one person whom he depended on which would be his wife advised him to curse God and die. I find the answers in how he responded.
   He never stopped praying. Even when his world was falling down around him he never lost hope.  I honestly believe the minute you lose hope all is lost. I also believe that if you surround yourself with people a positive outlook you will get through the roughest of times. I like to think of myself as a rock but the truth is I'm not. I stress and worry over everything. Honestly I create trouble by worrying. Cynthia is so positive. She can tell when I'm stressed and constantly tells me to quit borrowing trouble.
    There are always circumstances where we ask God why?  My mom and brother both come to mind as well as Cynthia's dad.  The truth is that we may never have those answers this side of heaven. We have to believe God knows best.  In all honesty we only think we can control the future. God uses every trial and tribulation to bring us closer to him and to maybe be an inspiration to someone going through similar situations.  I challenge you to look up a song by Steven Curtis Chapman called " The Mountain" Enjoy and cherish your time on the mountain
Big Skinny
Here is the link to save you some time

Sunday, May 24, 2015


We all take freedom for granted. I am sure its because we live in a country where all we have ever known is freedom. I am speaking about our generation. There has always been wars around us as a nation. We had The World Wars, The Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Afghanistan. What I am talking about as a whole, is that we never had to wake up and worry about our freedoms. We go where we want. We work the jobs we choose.  We worship how we want and even marry who we want. There are countries out there that would love the freedoms we have. We owe these freedoms to Grandfathers, Fathers, Mother's, Aunts, Uncles, Sons and daughters who felt the call to serve our country.  Our flag represents our freedom and the price many paid for it.  Some that made it home were never the same. Seeing things and living experiences that no one should have to. Sadly some didn't make it home and they have a place in our hearts for their heroic sacrifice. 
    Because of those men and women we are allowed to think for ourselves and form our own opinions. We can speak our mind and choose what's best for us as a nation. We can pick our leaders that best represent our values.  We don't all have to agree. Its okay if you don't believe in the right to bear arms. It is your business how you protect you and your family.  I was proud to get my concealed handgun license. Its my right.  Its okay if you don't believe in God, I won't force religion down your throat. I believe in God and that's my choice. It doesn't matter if you are Republican, Democrat or Liberal. We all have the same right to vote because of those who fought for our liberties.
      When you celebrate Monday, how about a quick prayer for the families that have lost a soldier. How about a prayer for safety for the soldiers overseas and at home. How about a prayer for our nation as a whole to stand for what this country was founded on and is still being fought for today.  How about telling a soldier thank you for their service. Its not just another day to throw burgers on the grill. Its a day to reflect on the price paid for freedoms that we hardly ever think about.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Gift Of Time

What it is the most precious commodity? Is it oil or gold? Do you have a guess? I would say that the most precious commodity is time. Let's think about it for a few minutes. Yes everything is measured in time.
      As a child we never thought much about time. There was an abundance of it. It seemed limitless. I know for me I had heard all my life that God had given everyone of us a set amount of days to live. I just never thought much about it. Then something happened and I will tell you  it started to sink in for me . I was seventeen and I had just graduated high school. I had my whole life in front of me right? Then one of those rock your world and change your life kind of events happens. God decided to call my older brother home. He was just 25 very young just 8 years older than me . It was like wow we don't live forever. He had a little over 6300 days on this earth not long at all.
        So time in my opinion is the most precious commodity. We can give but never get it back. Think how important you must be to someone for them to share their time with you. Then the question arises,  how do we spend our time?  Worrying about yesterday? You know spent time that's gone and we will never see again!  Why do we waste time with regret. The only time we have any control over is this second and then the next. Life is lived 60 seconds at a time. The seconds turn to minutes the minutes turn to hours and then to days and months and then years. Its fun to look back over the years and relive the good times. That just equates to time well spent. I don't want to live a life of wasted time. I want to spend my time wisely. Choose wisely what you spend yours on.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this. I hope it was worth it.

Kenney Big Skinny Pope.

Friday, May 8, 2015

That little voice

As a child, mom and dad are there for you to make the big decisions. As we get older and if we are fortunate, we still have them in our lives for their wisdom and advice. We can then use that advice along with other factors to sometimes make life choices.
      I will say that for me,  I've made a lot of well, let's just say, not well thought out choices. I miss the days where I could have a heart to heart with my mom. That's not to say I can't get advice from my dad. He is just more of a do what you think is right kind of guy. 
     One thing I am beginning to realize more and more is the gut feeling or that still small voice that speaks to you is worth listening to.  I honestly believe that is God's guidance in our lives.  Just like our parents did sometimes God will sometimes let you make choices that aren't the best for you.  He will teach you patience if you don't get ahead of his plans.  God wants the best for us and never wants us to just settle.  I'm not talking prosperity or name it claim it type things. I'm talking about your needs. Its all there if you just wait for it in his time.
   Here is my example that brought this point home.  Two weeks ago I took a job that promised prosperity and financial security. They promised a two week training to get you prepared for the job you were about to undertake. The CEO of the company said he was a Christian talked about his church and that put me at ease. This job was strictly commission so the training was vital to get you up and running properly.  I had been offered a job prior to my acceptance of afore mentioned job with a guaranteed salary and benefits I decided to go with the commission job.
      That still small voice was talking and I was not listening. My reasoning was that this future employer is a Christian therefore this must be where God wants me.  Hey if we learned anything in church its that Satan is a deceiver.  After 2 weeks in Austin with no training and zero success I was told if I didn't produce I would be cut loose. The company could not invest any more time in me. Are you kidding me? I was set out in Austin with no cards no brochures to knock doors and sell roofs. Would you buy from me? Yeah my point exactly. Recipe for failure. Yesterday I said adios to this nightmare but one thing was missing, a job waiting for me.
       Once again I hear that small voice inside me. Its the one offering guidance if I will listen.  Its telling me to send an email to the employer whose job I was set to take 2 weeks ago.  Come on small voice that job has been filled by now.  I am filled with panic because as of this moment I am unemployed with zero prospects.  Okay small voice at this point in time I have nothing to lose.  I write what I feel is a heartfelt apologetic email requesting consideration if the job is still open.  At this point I begin to call contacts looking for options. Well I did what the voice requested but I was not patient to wait for a response.  I got my response 4 hours later and happy to say Monday is a new work week and have a job to start with the company. 
       All I can say is never disregard that voice that speaks through your gut or heart. It will never steer you wrong. 
   By the way I had promised God if I made a sale this week I would be in Church on Sunday. I sold myself to a new employment opportunity by being honest and admitting I made a mistake. Hopefully I will see you there.
  God Bless
  Kenney Bigskinny Pope.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Power Of Music

One of the things I remember as a child was that there was always some great music around. My oldest brother at one time had an incredible record collection.  Between him and my mom I was exposed to a lot of musical influences. Some I cherish still today while others not so much.
   My mom was a huge Barry Manilow fan and I grew up loving the man's music. To me there was no denying he was a talented artist. We grew up listening to  just from her musical taste  anything from Bobby Vinton to Slim Whitman. The latter I'm not so much a huge fan. She was also a fan of Elvis Presley.
    My brother was into the 70's music scene and I grew up a child of the 80's and still lots of new music I love today.  So when I say my musical taste is diverse I'm telling the truth.
     What I've found is that all styles of music can be powerful and provoke feelings and sometimes even memories. Sometimes I hear a song and it can take me back to my childhood. Maybe it just enforces an emotional bond to a certain someone.  I can sometimes hear an older song and remember where I was the first time I heard it.
   I remember my first serious girlfriend. I had just started driving. We had freedom to just go where we wanted to. No chaperone just her and I. I remember her breaking my heart. I can still remember hearing songs on the radio I had probably heard most of my life. It was strange but all of a sudden I knew what those sad love songs were all about. I could now relate on a personal level to those songs. I knew what being heartbroken was all about.
     This revelation about the power of music all came to me last Saturday night while sitting at an Air Supply concert.  They started singing a song I've heard hundreds of times in my life. That night it took on a new meaning. The song in case you are wondering was "Two Less Lonely People In The World".  My eyes filled with tears because this woman sitting beside me had taken the loneliness away from me and had replaced it with a love like I've never known.  When she looked over my way I tried to hide the tears. But the tears were just streaming down my face. All this from just a song crazy huh? 
     One the things I love about Cynthia is our musical connection. We both love all types but we love a lot of the same.  I am growing musically every year and learning to appreciate music that even though they aren't singing in my language I can feel the power of it and the emotion.
    If you want to upset someone just tell them that their taste in music stinks.  As I've tried to make a point. Its more than just music it's the soundtrack of our lives. There is nothing like the power of music.
Go ahead crank it up and make some memories.
Kenney Bigskinny Pope.