Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Time

I can really remember back to a time when Summers were fun. I remember trips to the lake and fun times with my family, Mom and dad and the siblings. It was a great time in my life. I remember the awesome summer nights of my youth hanging out just before dusk. We would chase the lightning bugs or run through the sprinklers that my dad had set up to water the grass. We would be outside until the last possible moment when mom would say that it was time to come in. Where in the world did those simple days go? I honestly don't want to be outside any longer than necessary these friggin hot summer days. I'ts a pain in the ass just walking from inside the office to the car these days. I can break a sweat just standing outside. I am sure that I always did I just did not notice it as much.  And the unbearable heat of getting into your car after it has set in the sun for a while.  Grabbing the steering wheel and watching your fingers melt off is great entertainment.  I can remember in my teenage years going to watch a concert that was outdoors and you know,I can't remember it being that bad. These days it's like damn it hot and I cannot stop sweating. Is this what the future looks like as we get older? What else will I develop a dislike for? Will I suddenly develop a dislike for loud music? Will I hate fashionable clothing? Am I going to be that old dude that everyone laughs at the way he is dressed?  I am guessing only time will tell.