Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Music and Memories

There is probably nothing save Cynthia that I am more passionate about than music. Cooking would be a close third I am guessing. Music however has always been a big part of my life. I guess it started like everyone else. Church hymns and being a part of the choir. Before that was music class in Elementary School. At that age I did not get how powerful it was. It was a living breathing thing and very powerful. I had the privilege of having two older brothers who had some influence on the music I was exposed to as well as my mother who had an eclectic taste in music. My dad was not really into the whole music thing at the time. I think over the years he has come around a bit. Who can live without music in the life for goodness sake? Whether you like it or not you are exposed to it. Whether you know it or not it is powerful. It can evoke emotions and memories. What else can take you back and even bring you to tears? What other way was there to express to your significant other how you felt than a mix tape. You remember the mix tape. A collection of power ballads that said all you couldn't.  You can even recall certain events and times in your life by just hearing a song. Music is always present except maybe birth at all of our special occasions.
    I remember as a young preteen discovering my musical taste. I remember my first album bought. It was "Some Things Don't Come Easy" by England Dan and John Ford Coley. I still love that album. I still have it and its well worn with all of the crackle and hiss. One of the coolest things I got to do in radio was interview John Ford Coley. I explained to him that he had an impact on my life because of his music. He was an awesome interview and a really cool dude. As we were talking off air prepping for the next segment after the commercial break. We were talking about the record and I told him about one of my favorite tracks on it and he said that he hated the song. Not in a mean way he just thought it was too simple. That was cool I learned then and there just because it is on a record it doesn't mean the artist loves it.
   A lot of the artist that I listened to growing up I had the opportunity to sit and talk to them one on one. I especially was intrigued by the ones that wrote their own music. You could feel the excitement in their voice as they explained how a song came to be. After that you listen to a song with more appreciation for understanding where it came from.
     As a teenager I never thought as I was listening to these artists on American Top 40 with Casey Kasem, that I would be conversing with them.  Its funny how life turns out. That is the power of music. It takes you to places you never thought you would go. It takes you back to your childhood. I remember breaking up with my first serious girlfriend and hearing a song on the radio. A light came on and I thought to myself I get it, I understand it.  Music can make you remember people and places and in your mind its so vivid. You could almost touch it. That is why music is so powerful. It can help you remember or forget. It can comfort or evoke pain.  But most of all it can put a smile on your face as you find yourself drifting to a time far away thinking about some of the greatest memories of your life.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Little Imagination

How many can remember going outside as a child and playing. Can you remember how much imagination and creativity we could come up with. We would look around and use whatever was available in the yard to play whatever game we could come up with. If we wanted to play war we could venture over the neighbors fence into his huge garden for dirt clods. These were clumps of mud that had dried into nice little grenade pellets that would explode on impact. They were soft so they did not hurt when you were hit with them. They were far superior to the clay clods in my dad's garden. Those would not disintegrate on impact and were quite painful when hit by one. Lots of trial and error in the war games. Nothing would bring the game to a close quicker than someone running into the house crying to mom. That would get us all in trouble for throwing dirt clods. As long as no one got hurt the war games went on unnoticed by mama. If she happened to stick her head out the back screen door to check up on her little angels she saw us scramble to get into freeze tag mode. A harmless playground game. We were sneaky little devils.
   Maybe sometimes we wanted to play like we were on a Sunday drive. We would assemble a makeshift car out of scrap junk my dad collected. If we needed a steering wheel my dad had an old cast iron hand plow with what looked like a bicycle rim on it. If you turned it upside down using the free spinning rim you could imagine a steering wheel. 
   One of my favorite shows on air at the time was C.H.I.P.S . It was a show about two California Highway Patrol Officers on motorcycles. We would rummage through dad's truck find a couple of hard hats and hop on our bicycles and voila we were Jon Baker and Ponch.  Very imaginative if I don't say say myself. As a side note, if you turned the helmet around to where bill was in the back you could be Gage and Desoto from another one of my favorite shows Emergency. That was a show about two Los Angeles Paramedic/firefighters.
  We played hide-go-seek and the like but my favorite times was going out in the field next door to play football with oldest brother. I would imagine I was a star receiver running a pass route as he hurled the football 60 yards. He had an arm.
   Cynthia tells me stories of her childhood as well and apparently they were very imaginative as well. They would use sticks as guns and they had sound effects. I do kid her occasionally about the stick thing. Sometimes today we go out and play fetch with the dog and I tell the dog to go get the gun. Its not a gun until she makes the sound effect. I just see it as a stick. With the sound effect its like a light comes on and I finally get it.
   Then there were the ramps made to emulate our hero Evel Kneivel. Bricks, cinder blocks and plywood make a deadly ramp. Crashes were not uncommon and bumps and bruises were not abnormal.  Mama learned not to ask what we were doing. I don't remember any serious injuries just Kids using the imagination God gave us.
    I believe that imagination has served me well over the years. It has made me to often look outside the box at what could be. Sometimes life gives us a pile of junk or random objects to get around. If you step back and think about it maybe you could use it to take your own Sunday drive. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

The One I Never Thought I'd Find

You never know when inspiration will strike. On my way home the other day I'm listening to the radio. Its a song I've heard hundreds of times in my life. I own a copy of it so I've heard it many times. I've always really liked it. Johnny Rivers "Slow Dancing" is the song. I heard the line, "The one I never thought I'd find" and it got me to thinking. With my wedding coming up how fortunate I am.
   Everyone looks for that special someone. Sometimes the search takes awhile. We start out dating slowly weeding out those who don't measure up to what we are looking for. There is some heartbreak along the way because you lost what you thought at the time was the one. At the time you don't know how your world will turn after such a heartbreak. We know it does eventually. Maybe you marry who you thought was the one only to find out years later that you wasted a lot of years. The point is that it can be a very time consuming search. I have always wondered how do you know they are the one? There is no bell that goes off no alarm that tells you to stop looking.  Truth is you just know. Let me just say from experience, its a lot easier to know you've found the right one when you have experienced the opposite.  Let me also say this, never settle because you don't think you can do better or because you are tired of the search. 
   When I separated from my ex wife and eventually divorced, I was scared because I had no inkling what the future held. I dated a few women but did not really find what I was looking for. is a great tool. I say that only because that is where me and Cee met. She indicated she was interested by winking at me. I contacted her and we had our first meeting. It was a low key mid morning mid week meeting at Barnes and Noble.  When she pulled up she watched me for a few minutes as I was helping a stranded damsel jumpstart her car. That was a good sign to her that I would help someone in need. That first meeting was great. She was bubbly and talkative. We had a lot in common. We talked for a couple of hours and neither knew where it would lead if anywhere. Fast forward a couple of weeks on my Birthday we had our first date. I was emceeing a concert and she was watching me work. Being in radio at the time it was like that a lot in the beginning. I loved that she wanted to be where I was and she still does.
   We are on the same wavelength most of the time. We love the same music, activities and food. We never fight. We have disagreements but we don't fight. We both come from 20 plus years of marriage so we know what we want. 
I love her and can't imagine my life without her. That's how you know you found the one. Don't get me wrong its still work it is 100-100% all the time. But I have always felt if you love it, it ain't work.
   If you are going through a divorce don't despair there are still some good ones out there but you will have to draft from the second round. I found the best one.
     Happy dating and God Bless all of those who found the one they never thought they'd find.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Weekend

As I stir from a peaceful sleep this Sunday morning, I glance at my watch it's 7:05. My first thought is one of panic. I am late for wait it's Sunday a day off. I am sure we have all had that moment of panic. That just means we were sleeping so sound that it took a few seconds for our minds to reboot. That's exactly what weekends are for. Its a time to recharge physically and a time to make memories. Sometimes it means recharging spiritually sitting in a church pew on Sunday just to thank God for getting you through said week. Maybe even praying for patience to get through the next one.   We spend the whole week putting a weekend plan together.  Sometimes it's months of preparation to make the weekend special.
    No matter how much you love your job, you still love the little mini vacation each week brings. It is like a little reward for working hard. The weekends are tailored or custom fit for the time of the year we happen to be in. Weekends at the lake in the Summer or hunting trips in the winter we make it work every weekend.
  As a child we took those 2 days for granted especially in the Summer when we had 7 days a week to do nothing. These days find us making plans with family or catching up with friends. 2 days is never enough time to do that. I have also come to realize it doesn't matter how long or how much time you have off you still come back tired and ready for the next one. Time to start on the plans for next weekend. Its a never ending cycle. Then there is the lazy weekend binge watching Netflix. I love those weekends but for some reason feel guilty for not doing more around the house.
Some weekends are yard work and house cleaning and some are just spontaneous. No plans just whatever happens we will roll with it.  I don't know about you but having that special someone in your life make each weekend planned or unplanned 2 days of greatness. It gives us opportunity to express our love in thoughtful gestures such as going to dinner or just being together that  the weekly job's time constraints make it hard to do. 
  Whatever your passion is enjoy it. Mine is football and it will soon be upon us.
Fall time football weekends I can't wait.
As you are planning that weekend keep one thing in mind.. ..Kenney loves BBQ too.  Have a great weekend and happy Monday......too much too soon? Sorry one day at a time. Happy weekend