Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Wait.

There I stood in line ready to have my order taken. It occurred to me that we spend a lot of time waiting. I guess we could use all of that waiting to learn patiece. I know I need a lot more of it. Instead I usually just grow frustrated. I wonder why is the person at the front of the line taking so long. Of course when I'm lucky enough to be at the front of the line that thought never crosses my mind.  Usually I think they can wait their turn like I did.  I know that makes me somewhat self centered. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way. It does not make it right and it makes me ashamed. When did we get to a point as a society where we are all that matters. All we want to hear is next. It is your turn to have all the attention  on you. Hey it doesn't  matter if we have a million coupons that we have to sort through. Those people behind me can wait. My time is more important. 
     The truth is that  this is not me at all. The lack of patience is spot on but not so much the rest. I'm considerate of other's time. I prefer to be early because  I hate to keep anyone waiting on me. I never want anyone to think that my time is more important than theirs.  My mom drilled that into my head. Respect other's time. Doesn't it drive you crazy when that driver on the freeway weaves in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed? Do you get agitated when that driver waits until the last possible second to get over when he knew the lane was closed? Surely he saw the same warning signs as you.  Do you lose it driving behind someone doing it 15 miles an hour below the speed limit?
It seems we have to wait on those who could care less about our time. 
    Maybe we are thrown these few test daily to see how we will react.  Believe it or not someone is always watching. It could be the one riding beside you. I'm the worst, these nuts get under my skin. I then wind up saying something hateful or rude.  It's hard to portray that loving person everyone thinks you are when you are cursing someone under your breath, or yelling at them. They can't hear you and you are wasting your breath.  I have come to realize that sometimes God has to slow us down. Maybe he is keeping from a tragic accident you would have been in had you been a few more miles down the road.  Maybe that delay was to put you in contact with someone you would not have been otherwise.  Maybe it's to show us we have a lot more growing to do.  Whatever the reasons we have a lifetime of waiting ahead of us. Sometimes we might find if we slow down long enough that on the other side at the front of the line, it was something worth waiting for.

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