Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Sunday, November 29, 2015


She lights up the room with her smile, and I love to make her laugh.  Most days it comes easy because of my sarcastic nature.  That is one of the things I love most about her, her laugh and smile. It keeps me going when things get tough. She has a way of making me feel like a top billed comedian.  I personally know my jokes are corny yet she laughs anyway. Laughter is the best medicine.
     I remember as a child what made our dinner times so special and memorable was the laughter that was shared among us.  No one else would get it because it was mostly inside jokes, but as a family and truly knowing one another we could pick at the things that made us unique and some were quite funny. It was never done as a mean spirited thing, it was mainly for amusement purposes. That was the origin of my sarcasm, it stemmed from those family meals and trying to be funny. I received my share of the laughter and still do.  When my siblings and I get together we still poke fun of each other because that is what we do. Its all for a laugh.
       There are lots of days when a sense of humor comes in handy and then some days not so much. For the most part I try to use my powers for good and not evil. I try to point out the obvious and the find the funny in it. I will say that nothing is off limits when it comes to comedy. Just yesterday while walking through the mall, a scantily dressed woman crossed our path. First off no one should be out in public dressed that way. She was pulling and tugging at her skirt trying to keep it down and she was losing the battle.  It was like Custer's last stand and just stating the obvious there was not enough skirt to cover what was asked of it.  That does not in any way promote the holiday spirit. In fact it was quite the opposite, it made me sad. I felt sorry for the skirt.  Please dress appropriately. You can find humor in any situation if you look for it.  Some days I can even use myself as material.  The imagination does become an integral part of comedy, sometimes you have to imagine things going a different way.  I really don't think that this makes me at all crazy just imaginative.
         I will often be watching a commercial and think what if they put this or that in it?  It would be funnier.  I think that sometimes we have lost our imagination and ability to laugh at circumstances.  We are so politically correct that most of the time we are afraid to laugh.  A story from just the other night comes to mind.  We were out the other night in Fort Worth.   All of Cynthia's daughters have worked in and around cheer for the majority of their lives.  They know a lot of gay men and count many as close friends. On this night a couple showed up where we were at  and one of the young men was obviously drunk.  As we were introduced we began talking and this gentleman kissed Cynthia on the cheek and I was fine with that.  He shook my hand and before I could react he  leaned in and pecked me on the cheek as well. I am not going to lie I was very uncomfortable at that point.  I kind of did an end around so to speak and kind of faded into the crowd of people there.  As I was sitting there this same said gentleman walks up to me and starts casually asking me questions. It was not really your regular question and answer session as he was about three inches from my face. I am going to tell you  I am not a fan at all of the close talker. As i was answering his questions he tries to lean in again to peck me on the cheek. My spidey sense kicked in this time and flashed a warning and I backed up and said. Hey dude I really don't like to have my space invaded and if you try to kiss me one more time I will punch you in the eye.  I got an apology and I walked away.  I am not sure If I offended him and he was probably to drunk to remember.  I do not take solace in that I am attractive to a drunk gay man but many seemed to find humor in that incident and are still laughing about it today.  My point is this. You don't have to walk around grouchy all day. People hate that.  If you look hard enough, life will provide you with just enough humor to get by.  Doesn't everyone need a laugh?  Live
and Laugh
Kenney Pope 2015

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