Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Friday, July 10, 2015

Measured Time

The events of this past week have caused me to think about my own mortality. A dear friend battling cancer for 2 years was suddenly told there is no hope. Then hospice was called in. They watched her pass today.  I think that happens when we are faced with death on any level but especially when the person was close to our age. We have all been given a measured amount of time to live. We will all personally face death. It's not a subject we like to dwell on or even talk about.
   I look back on all the loved ones that have passed on in my life. It has touched me personally and left its mark on my life.  I can still remember those days like they were yesterday. My brother passed in 1984 and the call my mom took that day is still fresh on my mind. I should have been on the job that day. I was working 2 jobs at the time and had gotten home late so my dad didn't wake me. He let me sleep in. My brother was in a tragic life ending accident that day on the job. I should have been there but an all knowing God knew my brother's time was up and didn't want me to witness the accident first hand. I would have been scarred for life. 
     My mom died a slow death from cancer it took its toll from the inside out. I watched her slowly fade away each day until she had nothing left to give. I saw the empty look in her eyes as life left her body and its something I will never forget.  It's hard to get that image out of your mind. Someone so alive and vivacious at one time reduced to a lifeless body.
     Yes we are all living on measured time. We will face the reality that comes with death. The one thing that gives us hope is that this isn't the end.  As sad as it gets to say goodbye to that loved one its great to know if they are a born again Christian we will meet again. I miss mama and big bro every day.  The here and now is tough. Facing every day without the loved one is hard to say the least. They say time heals all wounds and that may be true. I have only got so much time and the pain is still really real sometimes.
    I honestly think that the thing that concerns us the most is the uncertainty. Yes our time is measured but we as humans, have no clue when that time is up. We would like to think maybe in our 90's but even then its still a short life. I read stories in the old testament growing up. There were men who lived over 900 years. That's a lot of living. What kind of accomplishments could you have done in that amount of time Can you imagine some of those conversations? Hey Methuselah, do you remember 200 years ago you borrowed my goat to mow your lawn. I need it back. Uh Moses your goat died a hundred years ago. I tried to find you but somebody said you were wandering around the wilderness for the last 40 years.  And think about those wedding vows. Talk about commitment. What precious metal says happy 800th anniversary?  The point is we are all given a measured amount of time. Some have a long life and some are short. What is the secret to long life? The Bible says to honor your parents. We all have a set amount of days to live.  We can either live in fear and dread, loathing that dark day.....or we can make every day count. We can make sure that everyone around us  knows they are loved. We can help those in need. We can live our lives so that others can see Christ in us.  We can make sure we are prayed up so that when the time comes and our measuring cup is emptied out , we can be proud knowing we left a legacy and without a doubt we were a positive example for the younger generation to follow. As the family lays a dear friend to rest this next week and everyone says their tearful goodbyes. Be comforted that she was a child of God. We will see her again. Know that she had a positive influence in this world she touched a lot of people in a positive way. She gave of herself and was dearly loved in return. In our measured relatively short lives that is the best you can hope for.


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