Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Sunday, July 24, 2016

What If

Yesterday while listening to the radio I heard a song that made me stop and think. The song was "One More Day" by Diamond Rio. If you have never heard the song stop reading and go to YouTube and pull up the video. This will give you an idea what i'm writing about. Its a beautifully written song. The song proposes a wish is granted that the person singing could have one more day with a lost loved one. Someone that has passed on to the afterlife.
    This got me to pondering. What if every five years you could bring one person back for a day. Who would you choose? Would you choose anyone? I got to thinking of all the loved ones I've lost throughout my life. Would it be my grandfather on my Dad's side who I never really got to know because I was so young when he passed. I could get to know a man that I've only heard stories about. I am sorry I never got to know him and it would be cool to meet him. I have only a few of these wishes throughout my lifetime how high up on the list is my granddad whom I've never known?  Would it be either of my grandmothers ? Most definitely  I would love to sit and talk with them for hours. I could let them know their diciplining was not in vain and I turned out ok. I could let them know that they influenced my life and that I would not be who I am without them and their memories in my life. Would it be my older brother who I did not get to grow old with? He was only 25 and had so much life left. I would love for him to meet Cynthia. I would love to wrestle with him one more time. I think I could take him this time maybe. I would talk music and football.  That was two of his greatest loves as well. My mother would be number one on the wish list. Man I miss her so much every day. I just want her to know I'm ok.  I would have to break out the Barry Mannilow  collection and dust it off.  Just to sit and rewind, go back in time and visit the past. The truth is there are so many to bring back for a day it would be hard to choose. 
     Then we are faced with the dilemma of saying goodbye again. Ripping open that old wound and sorrow and grief of losing them the first time.  It's missing them even more all over again. Would it be worth it?. I'm sure most of us would say yes, it  would definitely be worth the suffering we would endure. One day would never be enough.
   The one question that would have to be answered is what does the afterlife hold for us? Wouldn't that take a little fear out of death if we knew what was waiting for us on the other side.
   I know this what if is just a dream but that is what all what ifs are.  I can take comfort and peace in knowing each of these lost loved ones, the ones mentioned and those that are not, are a part of my life every day. Those memories are all I have. I can take a few minutes every day and let my mind drift back to those days when they were were all in my life.  That is all have.  We keep moving on because life doesn't stop.  We just have to live our lives in way that someone would give up a wish to bring you back for a day.
  Kenney Big Skinny Pope

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