Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Time of Reflection

Sitting here this morning thinking about life and feeling philosophical. Thinking about all of the great people in my life that were lost last year. I'm feeling selfish and wishing they were all here. I know that they are in a better place.  That being said I'm wondering what impact I've made on all of the people in my life. Have I made as difference. I would like to think so.  I would like to think when people reflect back over my life that I've made them laugh or smile and forget life for a little while. I think that should be what we all strive for. That should be our legacy.  Was your life better for knowing me?  We worry about getting ahead and the day to day. Everyone has complaints but the truth is no one wants to hear them.  Have you ever been around someone that complains all the time. Just a few hours around them and you are drained emotionally. They wake up complaining and go to bed the same way. You think to yourself surely they could find one thing to be thankful for.  Honestly, everyone of us  could fill a day with complaints and be miserable. What good does it do. Truthfully, a lot of our misery is our own doing. We could change a lot of our situation with better life choices. The old saying " Life is What you make it" holds a lot of truth. Yes I know we don't control everything. A lot of hardships are thrown on us and we are left to pick up the pieces. That's where a person who has an impact on your life comes into play. A person who is unselfish and puts others first.  To be there no matter the time of day. To put a smile on your face. To pray or just be a shoulder to lean on. It takes dedication.  That's the kind of people I want in my life.  That's the kind of man I want to be. That is one of the reasons my dad is such a great man. He is always there for others. You want a life that's fulfilling put others first. You will be blessed for it. You will leave a legacy that will live forever.  Look back in history and think about the people who made a difference and think about the qualities that set them apart. The truth is no one but friends and family may know you even existed. You may never be famous and that's OK.  When they reflect back on your life will they think about a tortured soul who was never happy or will they smile and think about the impact you had on their life. I choose the latter. It's not too late to start trying to make a difference today. It starts with thinking about others and putting yourself at the back of the line. Here is a tip don't do it for compliments and get discouraged because no one is noticing, someone is always watching and you are an example to someone. Before you know it you could be the next person who unknowingly starts a revolution.  Make a difference.
God Bless
Kenney " Big Skinny" Pope.

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