I got to thinking the other day about life and all of the curve balls it throws you. I looked at all of the struggles this past year and by the grace of God I was able say we made it through most of them. I started thinking about the life lessons a simple movie like the Karate Kid could teach us and I was amazed by what I came up with. Bear with me and it will all make sense I promise. There are at least 4 examples how this movie could apply to us right now.
1- You are being trained right now for battles you will deal with later.
Daniel knew he needed training to deal with the bullies he was facing. That training proved valuable in defeating his bullies. The things you are learning today and even in the past could prove useful in the future. Look back over the years to the life lessons that taught you something you were able to use in future situations.
2- You don't even realize that you are learning the skills you will need.
Daniel thought he was performing every day mundane task until Miagi showed him what he had learned. It doesn't seem like much at the time of distress but you will learn something. Sometime in the future you will be shown what was learned and how to use it and you will be amazed.
3- You will prevail
You remember the Crane Kick and how Daniel won the tournament? You will get through your circumstances with your own signature move. It might be prayer, patience or mental toughness. Maybe it will be all of the afore mentioned. Only you know what you have learned from past experiences and how to use it to your advantage.
4- the curve balls keep coming.
Remember life will continue to challenge you. There was more than just the one Karate Kid. There were sequels. You have to keep learning and fighting through life because it keeps coming.
Just a few thought as we set sail on another year. We do not know what it holds but we know we have the tools to get through whatever it throws our way. Happy New Year. Live a blessed life. It all starts with a positive attitude. God Bless
Kenney Big Skinny Pope.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Karate Kid
Friday, December 11, 2015
Merry Christmas
It's almost time for the celebration. The tree is up with the decorations and the house is decorated. I can't help but be reminded of the Christmas days from my childhood. You could feel the Christmas spirit in the air. It was a different time. As I look at the tree I have to say I feel absolutely nothing. It's become just another day. I start trying to put my finger on it and figure out where the Christmas spirit went. Is it it because my mom is no longer here with us? She did make it special. Is it the corporate greed from all of the retailers that has spoiled it for me? Is it that we seem to live in a materialistic society? Could it be the me first world we live in? While all of these things definitely contribute to the downfall of Christmas, a light came on last night and it showed me what was missing. While watching a program on TV last night, there was a church scene that really spoke to me. It reminded me of all that was missing in my life. It showed a little church with a preacher giving an altar call. The people were responding by walking to the altar and kneeling to pray. My eyes filled with tears because that was what made Christmas special. It is hard to celebrate a birthday when the guest of honor is not present. It becomes just another day. That is exactly how I felt. It was just another day. Jesus Christ is truly the reason for the season. I hope if you are reading this you have the light come on for you. I have struggled with writing this and putting it into words. I have been trying to write this for 2 weeks. I did not have the answer until last night. I woke this morning feeling more positive than I can remember in years. It's amazing what happens when you put things in perspective.
God Bless and Merry CHRISTmas.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
She lights up the room with her smile, and I love to make her laugh. Most days it comes easy because of my sarcastic nature. That is one of the things I love most about her, her laugh and smile. It keeps me going when things get tough. She has a way of making me feel like a top billed comedian. I personally know my jokes are corny yet she laughs anyway. Laughter is the best medicine.
I remember as a child what made our dinner times so special and memorable was the laughter that was shared among us. No one else would get it because it was mostly inside jokes, but as a family and truly knowing one another we could pick at the things that made us unique and some were quite funny. It was never done as a mean spirited thing, it was mainly for amusement purposes. That was the origin of my sarcasm, it stemmed from those family meals and trying to be funny. I received my share of the laughter and still do. When my siblings and I get together we still poke fun of each other because that is what we do. Its all for a laugh.
There are lots of days when a sense of humor comes in handy and then some days not so much. For the most part I try to use my powers for good and not evil. I try to point out the obvious and the find the funny in it. I will say that nothing is off limits when it comes to comedy. Just yesterday while walking through the mall, a scantily dressed woman crossed our path. First off no one should be out in public dressed that way. She was pulling and tugging at her skirt trying to keep it down and she was losing the battle. It was like Custer's last stand and just stating the obvious there was not enough skirt to cover what was asked of it. That does not in any way promote the holiday spirit. In fact it was quite the opposite, it made me sad. I felt sorry for the skirt. Please dress appropriately. You can find humor in any situation if you look for it. Some days I can even use myself as material. The imagination does become an integral part of comedy, sometimes you have to imagine things going a different way. I really don't think that this makes me at all crazy just imaginative.
I will often be watching a commercial and think what if they put this or that in it? It would be funnier. I think that sometimes we have lost our imagination and ability to laugh at circumstances. We are so politically correct that most of the time we are afraid to laugh. A story from just the other night comes to mind. We were out the other night in Fort Worth. All of Cynthia's daughters have worked in and around cheer for the majority of their lives. They know a lot of gay men and count many as close friends. On this night a couple showed up where we were at and one of the young men was obviously drunk. As we were introduced we began talking and this gentleman kissed Cynthia on the cheek and I was fine with that. He shook my hand and before I could react he leaned in and pecked me on the cheek as well. I am not going to lie I was very uncomfortable at that point. I kind of did an end around so to speak and kind of faded into the crowd of people there. As I was sitting there this same said gentleman walks up to me and starts casually asking me questions. It was not really your regular question and answer session as he was about three inches from my face. I am going to tell you I am not a fan at all of the close talker. As i was answering his questions he tries to lean in again to peck me on the cheek. My spidey sense kicked in this time and flashed a warning and I backed up and said. Hey dude I really don't like to have my space invaded and if you try to kiss me one more time I will punch you in the eye. I got an apology and I walked away. I am not sure If I offended him and he was probably to drunk to remember. I do not take solace in that I am attractive to a drunk gay man but many seemed to find humor in that incident and are still laughing about it today. My point is this. You don't have to walk around grouchy all day. People hate that. If you look hard enough, life will provide you with just enough humor to get by. Doesn't everyone need a laugh? Live
and Laugh
Kenney Pope 2015
Saturday, November 21, 2015
The Empty Chair
There it sits, serving as a reminder of an unused place setting. It doesn't feel anything, yet it speaks to each and everyone who has lost a loved one. For some it will be a first. For others it has become a way of life. The emotional breakdown and the waves of grief are overwhelming at times. You wonder how you will make it through this time of year. I'm here to tell you that you will. It gets a little easier with each passing year. I still feel it at times. It never totally goes away.
Every year as we gather to give thanks I see the Empty Chair and think about my mama. I think about how she made the holidays special. It had her touch all over it. You can't replace that. She had a way of bringing the whole family together. These days it's hit and miss who will show up. She showed us all that we had to be thankful for. We learned to accept and be happy with what we had. I did not always have the best relationship with my mama. It was in part to being a know it all kid. As I got older and realized how wise she was and how much heartache she saved me over the years it gave me one more thing to be thankful for. Her last few years on earth she looked at me like an adult. With that respect came deep conversations about life and love. Those conversations I will always remember. It also makes me think she left way too soon because she had so much to share. I wish she could have met Cynthia to see she taught me well and that I'm finally happy and at peace with my life. I have so much to be thankful for.
These days the holidays seem like just another day. Cynthia don't take offense you and your family fill a void and make it special. The last three years have been some of the best holidays I have had in years. I'm talking about the gathering with my immediate family. Something is missing. That empty chair says it loud and clear. I will never experience those days again they are gone and all that is left is memories. My dad does his best to fill the void but in reality it can't be filled. I miss you mama and the thought of a holiday season without you, is tough. It's just not the same. Another year will pass and Good Lord willing I will get another chance with my siblings to say thank you for being our mama. Thank you for your love and your guiding hands molding us into the adults we are today. Our mistakes aren't your fault it was simply bad choices on our part. You made us fighters and taught us how to dust ourselves off when we fall down and get back in there. Thanks most of all for showing us that family is the second most important thing in this life of course God being first. Mama thank you for leaving us with your memory and that empty chair.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Just My Thoughts
Where we did we go wrong as a nation? Why do we spend so much time and resources trying to change the world when our country is in turmoil. We want every country on the face of the planet to adopt our way of a democratic lifestyle when it's broken. We worry about feeding the world when we have starving people living here in our country. We value the lives of animals more than humans. If you have money and power you have a different set of rights in our justice system than those with with less. We use tragic world events for political gain. I was taught if you want change it all starts with the person staring back at you in the mirror.
At one time I believe we were the best country on earth but we have lost our way. We have allowed political correctness to dominate our thinking instead of calling it like it is. We have taken Christ out of Christmas to avoid offending the non believer. We spend our energy getting upset about a paper cup from starbucks. If you don't agree with a corporation's decision stop patronizing them and they will get the message. We hold the power. When a court of law gives some one a harsher sentence for animal cruelty than for taking a human life, we have a problem with our justice system. If we have a society that no longer respects authority we have a problem. We have a government that is so corrupt that is filled with greed. We have big banks manipulating Wall Street to make billions only to get slapped on the hand. They are stealing from us and nothing is done. We have lobbyist controlling what laws are passed and the ones that are, benefit the rich and powerful. Money in itself is not evil. It's the love of money that is evil. It's like breathing it's essential to living life. My question is how much money is enough? How much more do they need to steal from us to have enough? How many more rights will they strip from us? When will we say that we have had enough? Will the next terrorist attack on our soil be the springboard for our rights to be taken? Only time will tell but the surety and fact is there will be an attack here.
Our country can be great again if we put God first . He will protect us if we put him first. The world offers many gods but unless you believe in the one true God and except his son Jesus Christ your belief is in vain. That is an unpopular statement and political correctness will stifle the message in the event it would offend the non believer in which case now they have more rights than me. I believe if you want to know what's wrong with our country it all starts there. When we got away from what our country was founded on we were headed down a dark path. That's my opinion for what it's worth.
Happy Sunday pray for Paris ,the world and God Bless America.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Second Helping
There I sat at the dinner table as a child and as usual I was the last to leave. Mom would pile anything left on the table on my plate. There wasn't much left usually. She had to feed eight of us. I earned the nickname of the human trashcan. I made sure there were no leftovers. It made the job of cleanup a little easier. That was a compliment to her. She received satisfaction that the meal was eaten and that everyone was full and she had done a great job.
Sometimes I think of life in that way. You know those times when life is going great and everything looks so good that you have to partake of seconds. The days that keep you coming back for more. The days that you look forward to with anticipation. There are a lot of things that can make you feel this way. Maybe it's just the fact you get to wake up every morning next to your best friend. Maybe it's anticipating your life together. Maybe it's a career you love. It might be that the good Lord worked a miracle in your life and you can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. For some it might be that you were handed a death sentence in the form of a terminal disease but you beat it. Now you wake up every day with a sense of gratitude and purpose truly thankful for every new day. That is your second helping.
We all come to a crossroad in life. It's the point in life where we can be happy and full with where we are in life. There is nothing wrong with that, but sometimes God shows us what and where we could be and get a little more out of our lives. He shows us ways to be a blessing to someone else. We see areas where we could be encouragement for someone in need. Maybe it's a life experience that we dealt with that we can help someone else get through.
2015 has been full of ups and downs. It's had it shares of highs and lows. I've lost some great friends to cancer. I had the opportunity to make one of them smile one more time before she left this life. For a brief second she forgot about the pain and smiled. It wasn't much but I will remember it for the rest of my life.
I realize just like with dinner life doesn't always offer seconds. Sometimes it's just enough to get by. It's a quick easy meal designed to satisfy the need and no more. But every once in a while you encounter the feast and there are seconds for everyone. If you have the chance dive into that second Helping and enjoy what's in front of you.
Kenney Pope
Friday, October 30, 2015
The Wait.
There I stood in line ready to have my order taken. It occurred to me that we spend a lot of time waiting. I guess we could use all of that waiting to learn patiece. I know I need a lot more of it. Instead I usually just grow frustrated. I wonder why is the person at the front of the line taking so long. Of course when I'm lucky enough to be at the front of the line that thought never crosses my mind. Usually I think they can wait their turn like I did. I know that makes me somewhat self centered. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way. It does not make it right and it makes me ashamed. When did we get to a point as a society where we are all that matters. All we want to hear is next. It is your turn to have all the attention on you. Hey it doesn't matter if we have a million coupons that we have to sort through. Those people behind me can wait. My time is more important.
The truth is that this is not me at all. The lack of patience is spot on but not so much the rest. I'm considerate of other's time. I prefer to be early because I hate to keep anyone waiting on me. I never want anyone to think that my time is more important than theirs. My mom drilled that into my head. Respect other's time. Doesn't it drive you crazy when that driver on the freeway weaves in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed? Do you get agitated when that driver waits until the last possible second to get over when he knew the lane was closed? Surely he saw the same warning signs as you. Do you lose it driving behind someone doing it 15 miles an hour below the speed limit?
It seems we have to wait on those who could care less about our time.
Maybe we are thrown these few test daily to see how we will react. Believe it or not someone is always watching. It could be the one riding beside you. I'm the worst, these nuts get under my skin. I then wind up saying something hateful or rude. It's hard to portray that loving person everyone thinks you are when you are cursing someone under your breath, or yelling at them. They can't hear you and you are wasting your breath. I have come to realize that sometimes God has to slow us down. Maybe he is keeping from a tragic accident you would have been in had you been a few more miles down the road. Maybe that delay was to put you in contact with someone you would not have been otherwise. Maybe it's to show us we have a lot more growing to do. Whatever the reasons we have a lifetime of waiting ahead of us. Sometimes we might find if we slow down long enough that on the other side at the front of the line, it was something worth waiting for.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
As I look around at the people in my life I wonder sometimes if they are truly happy. I know that for most of us it is impossible to be happy all the time. We all have to deal with life and all that it throws at us. We put on our smile and pretend that we are. When we greet one another with the casual" how are you doing?" We usually get the standard I'm good or occasional great. We rarely get the truth. Why is it everybody wants to pretend to be happy. If we had the ability to make every person happy, what would it take?
It's such a complicated proposal. What makes you happy might not have the same results for me. Everyone is different. Just for an example, let's say you have ten people in a room, try to adjust the thermostat for all to be comfortable. It's almost impossible. We are all different and to please or make everyone happy at once is impossible. I'm not saying we shouldn't try, I'm just saying some times it is like beating your head against a wall.
Now to the nuts and bolts of where I was going with this. Being a parent of three great girls and watching them grow up I saw firsthand three distinct personalities. While there were those among the three who needed a little more direction, I had to let them grow into the lovely ladies they are today. I had to let them through trial and error decide what made them happy. I would protect them from what I felt was harmful and did not in any way promote happiness. I let them to a degree make life choices I felt they could handle. Some were a little better at making choices than others but we have all been there. What I saw was this. What made one happy was not necessarily the case for the other two. There was not a manual it was all trial and error. They were given spiritual guidance as well earthly and in the end it was up to them to find their path to true happiness.
Looking back at my childhood my parents did the same. They protected me but let me slowly become who I am today. I truly think that the first step in happiness is being happy with yourself. I know that a spiritual relationship with God helps me to see that I'm a imperfect person and his love can make me happy and and positive but I'm talking on an earthly level. If you are not happy with who you are you spend a lot of time trying to fill a void with other things, some possibly harmful to you. Maybe you try to find someone to make you happy. Either way its not good. You need to be happy with the person you are
God created each of us different and you were made to compliment someone and you will find that someone if you are patient. We have to realize that being in a perfect relationship is great and that awesome career is great but does it truly bring happiness? What is happiness? It is something hard to explain. Is it the euphoria you feel when you fall in love or when life is going great? Those feelings give way over time. Is it waking up in the morning and putting your feet on the floor? There are those that aren't that fortunate to put their feet on the floor yet are happy. Is it our career accomplishments? There are a lot of successful people depressed. I'm sure if you ask most people what would make them happy it would be, love or money. Those are great in context but once again I'm not sure that they are an answer.
I'm sure if we take a good hard look at what we have in our lives we could find a reason for happiness. I think more than ever especially in the social media age we often see others and the lifestyle they project and we become dissatisfied. As we draw closer to another Christmas celebration let's take some time to reflect on all we have and less on what we don't. Stop complaining and work to fix our situation. If you want true happiness it starts with you
Kenney Pope
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Perception VS Reality
It seems every 10 years marks an anniversary for some. We get together as adults and celebrate who we used to be and what we have become. We embellish our lives and scoreboard one another on perception and rumours. The line between the popular and the unpopular has been erased and all that's left is life. Yes you guessed it. It's the High School Class Reunion. Personally I enjoy them. I always enjoy people's reactions when I tell them who I am because I look nothing like I did in High School. I will say social media has taken a little of the surprise away. Friends and classmates can keep in touch and with all the photos they recognize you instantly. I enjoy when folks talk about their successes. I love the genuine and those that really enjoy seeing you. For me its always a little weird though because I wasn't that popular in High School. I always tell Cynthia my best friends were the janitor and the lunch lady. Seriously it wasn't as bad as that but I wasn't in the athletic program because I was all of 120 pounds throughout high school. When people meet me for the first time because of my size today they just assume I played football. I wasn't smart enough for the Honor Society. I just kind of kept to myself and the few friends I had. So you get together and exchange "how have you been" and then it seems to always go back to what you do for a living. Everyone wants to know what you have become. That is how we measure our successes and failures, our occupation. Joe Blow has his own business and is doing great. That's what we hear. Facebook paints a great picture of Joe Blow and then you see him. The lines on his face tell a different story. Joe Blow has been married 5 times and suffered from drug addiction. Then there are those that seem to have never left high school. They still see the imaginary line separating the popular and unpopular. You wonder why people who never really took the time to get to know you can dislike you or just totally act like you do not exist. For me it really doesn't matter. I am happy with my life. I got to follow a dream for awhile and it was greatness. I got to hob knob with celebrities and and heard my voice on the FM radio dial. I got to hang out backstage with Def Leppard, Tanya Tucker, Clint Black and Josh Turner. I also
got to interview a lot of 70's and 80's artist that I grew up listening to. I got to bring big names on stage and enjoy free concerts. I had crowds of people that wanted to meet me anytime the station was out on remote. See that we can all scoreboard one another. My career and life is better than yours. That Is what we try to project to others. The truth is none of that matters. The only thing that matters is this. Are you happy with who you are? It's not about what others perceive. I can tell you this, people perceive Radio personalities as being wealthy. That may be true for a few but that's not the normal. Most that are a part of it struggle financially because they are sure the right opportunity will come along. They stick it out because they love it because the money is not there. Then there are those that are forced out due to station cutbacks. For every cool thing Radio is, it is a cutthroat industry leaving a sea of broken dreams in its wake. You see now what I mean about perception. Sometimes we want everyone to see all the good stuff and keep the rest buried.
The truth is I spent a lot of years chasing a dream that probably wasn't worth chasing financially, at least for me. I struggled financially for years trying to fit every job I had around my part time Radio gig, that was what mattered. My marriage was failing so I did not care if I was at home or not. You see once again you can paint a great successful picture of yourself but seriously it isn't always totally true. My point is before you form an opinion of someone try getting to know them. What makes them tick? Don't form your opinion on what you see on Social Media. I love social media for how it allows us to keep in touch and plan events. What I hate it for is the perception it puts out there. The reality now is my life is somewhat great but not because of my career. It's because of who I allow in it. It's because I chose love and not negativity. It because I get to come home to a house full of love. To me that is what matters the most. That's reality.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
A Letter To My Late Mother
![]() |
Billie Marie Pope |
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Waiting has never been my strong suit. I want something and I want it now. I take after my late mother in that regard. She had absolutely no patience. Why is it that when we fail to wait and try to do something on our own it just winds up worse than what we originally started with. I know that it is a learned response and behavior. Is it because we are selfish? I think maybe it's because we can't see the bigger picture. We are stuck in the here and now. We might not be able or willing to know how decisions made in haste will affect us down the road. I will say I have gotten better at waiting. It's a little easier to do when you find that something worth waiting for. I have made snap decisions that have come back to kick me in the rear. Let me state this for the record, even in a bad situation some good things can be found if you look. Maybe we have jumped into a relationship that wasn't meant to be. We get married and a few years down the road it falls apart. Now I know in a lot of situations that the demise of a marriage cannot be seen and people change. I am talking about red flags that pop up and we ignore because we are impatient and don't want to wait for the someone who is perfect for us. Yeah it happens every day. Like I said some good comes out a bad situation. We have children that came out of that situation and that's a good thing. At the very least we learned a life lesson on patience, never settle. Maybe it's a job situation you think a possible door has opened and you walk through it only to be disappointed. Just around the corner your perfect job was filled by someone else because you weren't available.
The truth is this, we can't see the big picture. God has our best interest at heart and the key to good decision making always starts with praying about it. If a door closes on a situation or relationship walk away don't try to force the door open. You at that point are an unwelcome guest and that is not a good thing. We need to be in a place in our lives where we can see the door is closed. If you wait you just might see something more fulfilling and life changing will come along.
I along with you am slowly learning not to jump so quick. I promise if you wait something worth waiting for will come our way. Remember this, no blessing comes by just posting amen or liking a Facebook page. If that were the case there would be a billion millionaires. Life is hard enough and I don't want to add to the hardships by jumping to fast because I don't want to wait.
So put a smile on your face stand in line and wait and I know you will find not only what you are looking for but what you need.
Have a great Saturday.
PS #waitingonacowboyswin
Monday, October 5, 2015
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Participation Trophy
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
To Text or Not to Text That is the Question
Monday, September 28, 2015
A Dog's Life
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Small Talk
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Those Crazy Old People
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Respect The Blue
Saturday, September 12, 2015
My Older Brother
As a child growing up you are always looking for a role model. I was fortunate enough to have 2 to look up to. My older brothers were a big influence on my life. I will say they picked on me a lot. I think that served to toughen me up. I always knew that they had my back when push came to shove. My oldest brother that passed away in 1984 would have been 56 on the 22nd of this month. He was an intimidating guy at 260lbs. Of course I was all of about 110lbs myself so he definitely could whip me. He used that weight to his advantage a lot. I remember this time of year we would be out in the yard tossing the football playing a game of catch. He would tell me how to catch it and let me know if I was doing it wrong. We would watch the big game every Sunday. He taught me to love the sport. Maybe deep down that's why I love it so much, because it reminds me of him. I don't apologize for being a Dolphins fan but I know I root for the Cowboys first and foremost because I know he's not here to root them on. I feel like since he showed me the love for the game I owe him that. He taught me to love music. We could talk forever about it. He trained me well. He would find a random radio station and quiz me on Artist and song. Cynthia hates when I do that to her. Sometimes we would do it as a group of sibling and make it a contest. He would always ask if I wanted to go with him on an errand he would be running. I loved his 69 Ford Torino. He was proud of that car. I remember fondly a trip to the mall one Christmas eve. Just hanging out with him made me feel cool. He was one of the cool kids. His friends never seemed to mind that we were tagging along.
I remember my first job working for my Uncle. I was maybe 11 or 12. He had already graduated high school and was working there too. It seemed like every day on our lunch break it would be to pick on Kenney time. For some reason he seemed have a lot of rotten bananas. He would tackle me and rub it in my hair. I would be yelling get off of me fatso but that didn't make him stop. I remember one day another co-worker wanted to mess with me and big bro was quick to step in and diffuse the situation. That someone would have to go through him to get to me. That would be a huge task and would not bode well for anyone opposing him. I remember how much he loved to play golf and how we played many rounds together. He let me use his set of old clubs when he upgraded. I loved those clubs. One birthday he took me shopping for a present. As I got out of his car he handed me a 10 dollar bill. He said he had sold my clubs and the 10 came from the sell. He had no idea how much I loved playing with the clubs and I never told him. I remember our makeshift wrestling ring in the backyard. How me and my younger brother would tag team him. In the end it was both of us trying to ride him like a rented mule. We tried to get him down but he would throw us around like rag dolls. We never beat him.
He was quick to let me know when I was out of line. He had tremendous respect for his parents and his elders. He was the perfect role model. He would not allow me to talk back to mom if he was within earshot. A slap to the back of the head was usually enough. A week before he passed I heard a song on the radio while we were both working for my dad. I had just graduated high school and was all of 17. The song was "Desert Moon" by Dennis DeYoung. I got to introduce one more song to him. We were always recommending music for the other to hear. He got to hear the song and he loved it. As we were on our last lunch break ever, there were no pranks just him cooking us some grilled cheese sandwich in a skillet in his kitchen. We talked about life. Although I don't really remember the conversation I do remember him not looking at me like a kid brother. We were co-workers and I had earned his respect.
I still get misty eyed when I hear "Desert Moon" I think of him a lot. I think that he would be proud of me and I know he would love Cynthia. Some days the hurt is stronger than others. I know that all that is here is the memories we shared. I miss him a lot and wish he was here to root on his Cowboys. Guess I will have to do it for him as long as the good Lord gives me. Miss ya bro go Cowboys.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Hello Fall
Sunday, September 6, 2015
The Last Summer Get Together
Labor day weekend comes but once a year. It typically marks the end of Summer. The long hot afternoons, the sweltering humid Texas nights are soon to be forgotten. They will be replaced by early morning frost and chilly afternoons. We all come together this weekend to celebrate summer. While it is miserable for most, it doesn't come and go without bringing some our favorite times of the year. There are holidays like the 4th of July. We usually get to take family vacations and make memories that last a lifetime. There are Summer concerts, and finding a pool to stay cool in. Then there are the things that seem to be available only in the Summer time. Ice cold watermelon is definitely a favorite of mine. So as much as some us hate the Summer months because its just plain miserable, we will definitely miss certain aspects of the hot grueling months. We will focus our attention on new memories. We will be getting the kids new Halloween costumes ready. We will be preparing for High School homecomings. We will cherish the moments that we come together as a family and thank God for the years blessings. We will celebrate Christmas and pictures and memories will abound that will last our lifetimes. We will enjoy another football season and State Fair. Don't shed any tears for Summer those Hot Dog days of July and August will be back before you know it. Let's just celebrate all the good times in the upcoming months. Oh and lets go Cowboys.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Three Wishes

Friday, August 28, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
The Times are Changing
There was a time where people were taught manners. We were taught to respect authority. We were taught to respect our elders. Yes sir and yes Ma'am were expected if we were talking to said elders. We had respect for our parents. We didn't live in fear of sending our kids to school. We didn't worry about someone with a gun terrorizing our children. We didn't worry about paedophiles in our classroom. We didn't worry about going to a movie theater or making a trip to the mall. Now I'm not saying that worry has stopped us from doing any of those things, but its always in the back of our minds. We are constantly hearing the stories on the news telling us of another incident, another shooting, rape case or improper relationship between a teacher and student. Then there is racial tensions like I've not known in my lifetime. It's become a crazy world.
I can't say I didn't know it was coming. I remember as a child sitting in church as the preacher would tell us about the end times. He talked about how evil the world would become. He wasn't a soothsayer or a fortune teller he just got the info out of his Bible. His job was to let us know what was coming. Our job was to be prepared. We seem for the most part thrive on being prepared. I have a friend(a survivalist) that I could talk to for hours about steps for preparedness for any event he sees coming that could end civilization as we know it. He tells me about all of the food and water he has stored and the method used for preserving it. He is prepared for the worst case scenario as he sees it. There were folks of the same mindset back at the turn of the century. We all remember how the world was coming to an end Y2K. Generators MRE'S, all kinds of survival gear for something that may or may not happen. Well it didn't but hey preparation was the key.
I'm by no means a conspiracy theory nut. I do not subscribe to that way of thinking. But I do see a lot of what that old preacher H.M. Corey said is coming to pass. I could ignore the signs of the times and pass it off as that's just life. I'm not putting goods away for hard times, but seeing how our stock market is doing that might not be a bad idea. I'm just looking around and wondering how much time is left until God says okay son, go get them. I know some would say this is hogwash and that's fine you can subscribe to your own beliefs. You might even say I'm wrong and that's cool you can believe however you want. If I'm wrong you've lost nothing. If you're wrong you've lost everything. The times are changing. Look around do some research and see for yourself. If my religious views offend I won't apologize for them its how I was raised. I don't know how else to be. My grandma always planned her future by saying Good Lord Willing. Hopefully we will see tomorrow Good Lord Willing.