Have you ever thought about the story with the Genie freed from its bottle? There were three wishes granted to the individual responsible for releasing the Genie. Have you thought, hey what if that were me and I could have three wishes to do or have whatever I wanted. I wonder if we would wish for selfish wants or for something that would help all of mankind. Would it be money, power and fame? So go ahead pretend let’s take those three wishes and see what we can come up with for the betterment of mankind.
I think my first wish would be a cure for all types of diseases. It would be just one single cure that would erase all of it. I would wish for something that would make every disease as scarce as the plague. It seems this year in particular, I’ve lost a lot of great friends and family to cancer. I lost my mom as well back in 2004. There have been billions poured into research for this illness and yet still no cure, or if there is one it’s staying under wraps. Do you know how much money is poured in yearly for cancer treatments? I am not sure about the success rates for chemo and radiation. I know there have been a lot of people go down that road with no success. So my first wish would be a legitimate cure for every disease not just cancer. That disease in particular has just hit too close to home this year and that scares me a lot. There would be a lot of doctors and oncologists without jobs as the need in those fields would dry up like a covered wagon salesman. I think that’s okay, I would take that trade off if it meant someone’s family member got 50 more years tacked on their life. I know that no one is going to live forever. Something will eventually get us all, hopefully old age.
I think my second wish would be no crime. How great would it be to live in a world without locks on the door? Wouldn’t it be nice not to have to worry about your teenager’s safety when they go out at night? I would love to not ever again hear about a drunk driver taking someone’s life on the news. Then think about this, no crime no need for the news. What would they report? No sad stories no murders, the prisons all empty. Once again jobs would be lost, law enforcement officials, prison employees, newscasters, reporters just to name a few occupations. Think about living in a world where you felt totally safe all of the time. Your kids could play outside and you would not have to worry about where they were. Talk about a utopia.
I think my final wish would be to live in a world where people truly cared about others. It seems today that it’s mostly lip service. There are people who call you there friend if there is something that they can gain by being your friend. The minute that they can no longer use you they are gone like the wind. Heaven forbid that you go through a crisis; none of those so-called friends are anywhere to be found. I can remember a time where people took time to get to know their neighbors. In this day and age everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. We nod at one another and pretend to be friendly, but we don’t know them. You see someone in need you help them. More jobs would be lost; places like Goodwill, Salvation Army and the like would cease to exist because there would not be a need for them. If only people would help people.
I am not going to lie it would be nice to be wealthy. Along with that wealth comes responsibility. There would be a need to do all of the things that I have wished for. You would be expected to donate to medical causes to find a cure for this disease or that disease. You would be expected to donate or be taxed on your wealth to fund your local government for law enforcement expenses. You would be expected to give to the needy. As I look around at all of the money going to all of these causes, it has not truly made a dent in any of them. Don’t get me wrong it all helps but the problems are still there. The problem here is I am wishing for heaven on earth and all it is in a nutshell is wishful thinking. I truly wish for a better world. What would your three wishes be?

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