Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Our Plans

As much as we like to think we have it all figured out, we don't. We can plan for a lot of things concerning our future. We can plan on what college we attend. We can plan on our profession. We can plan a wedding. For as many things as we can plan for in our future, there are so many more unseen variables. What do you do when you suddenly lose a job and planned income? What do you do when you are suddenly faced with the reality of a terminal disease? What do you do when that sweet child that you planned a college education for has gone astray and  is facing legal troubles or maybe an unplanned teen pregnancy?
      There are many more examples of the unplanned circumstances. There are the few that might not face any of these hardships. There are many that will. What do you do when it seems like all hope is lost? When it seems that your faith is being tested. The truth is no one was promised a trial free life.
     I see friends and family all around me hurting financially, physically and emotionally. I have seen some lose hope and give up the fight.  I myself have seen hard times. After loosing my job, we have struggled to stay afloat. Many times I found myself in a pool of doubt and self pity. Poor me poor me. I'm ashamed of myself because I realized there are those who have it far worse than me. Well I say I realized it but the truth is Cynthia was constantly pointing it out.
      The one example I come back to is Job in the bible. He lost everything.  Even though he was surrounded by negativity he remained positive. Even the one person whom he depended on which would be his wife advised him to curse God and die. I find the answers in how he responded.
   He never stopped praying. Even when his world was falling down around him he never lost hope.  I honestly believe the minute you lose hope all is lost. I also believe that if you surround yourself with people a positive outlook you will get through the roughest of times. I like to think of myself as a rock but the truth is I'm not. I stress and worry over everything. Honestly I create trouble by worrying. Cynthia is so positive. She can tell when I'm stressed and constantly tells me to quit borrowing trouble.
    There are always circumstances where we ask God why?  My mom and brother both come to mind as well as Cynthia's dad.  The truth is that we may never have those answers this side of heaven. We have to believe God knows best.  In all honesty we only think we can control the future. God uses every trial and tribulation to bring us closer to him and to maybe be an inspiration to someone going through similar situations.  I challenge you to look up a song by Steven Curtis Chapman called " The Mountain" Enjoy and cherish your time on the mountain
Big Skinny
Here is the link to save you some time

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