Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Sunday, May 24, 2015


We all take freedom for granted. I am sure its because we live in a country where all we have ever known is freedom. I am speaking about our generation. There has always been wars around us as a nation. We had The World Wars, The Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Afghanistan. What I am talking about as a whole, is that we never had to wake up and worry about our freedoms. We go where we want. We work the jobs we choose.  We worship how we want and even marry who we want. There are countries out there that would love the freedoms we have. We owe these freedoms to Grandfathers, Fathers, Mother's, Aunts, Uncles, Sons and daughters who felt the call to serve our country.  Our flag represents our freedom and the price many paid for it.  Some that made it home were never the same. Seeing things and living experiences that no one should have to. Sadly some didn't make it home and they have a place in our hearts for their heroic sacrifice. 
    Because of those men and women we are allowed to think for ourselves and form our own opinions. We can speak our mind and choose what's best for us as a nation. We can pick our leaders that best represent our values.  We don't all have to agree. Its okay if you don't believe in the right to bear arms. It is your business how you protect you and your family.  I was proud to get my concealed handgun license. Its my right.  Its okay if you don't believe in God, I won't force religion down your throat. I believe in God and that's my choice. It doesn't matter if you are Republican, Democrat or Liberal. We all have the same right to vote because of those who fought for our liberties.
      When you celebrate Monday, how about a quick prayer for the families that have lost a soldier. How about a prayer for safety for the soldiers overseas and at home. How about a prayer for our nation as a whole to stand for what this country was founded on and is still being fought for today.  How about telling a soldier thank you for their service. Its not just another day to throw burgers on the grill. Its a day to reflect on the price paid for freedoms that we hardly ever think about.

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