While enjoying the weather last night, I told Cynthia it was perfect. I then asked her I wonder how many perfect weather days we have a year? Then I answered my own question. Its really a hard question to answer. Its subjective to what one considers perfect. What's perfect to me might not be to you. For example a 55 degree day with a light northwest breeze is my perfect day. One of those sweatshirt and jeans kind of day is my favorite kind of days. Maybe your perfect weather day is sunny and 85.
The word perfect could literally have millions of meanings. That is where we are as a nation. Everyone has their own idea of what a perfect world would be. I believe that's why we are taught to share as a child. We are taught to compromise. We can't be selfish and think that it is only going to be perfect for us all the time. Now when I say compromise I'm not talking about your core beliefs. That includes morals and the things you were taught that make you a better person. What I'm talking about is meeting someone half way. Like maybe a sunny 70 degree day instead of 55. See we met in the middle somewhere and although it's not perfect to either one of us its a compromise we can both live with.
Its not a perfect world we live in and its not ever going to be but some are so stuck seeing only their perfect way that they miss out on a lot of life. We sometimes need to think less of ourselves and think about what we can do to make it a more perfect world for others. Sometimes we need to see things the way others do to understand where they are coming from. There are a long line of people in this world that were mistreated and have taught hate for generations because of injustices done against them. We can speak hate back at them but honestly if we just took a second and looked at the world through their eyes what would we see? Are we doing all we can to make it a more perfect world for all or just ourselves. Truth is there is not one who couldn't do more. The world we are leaving for future generations is a scary thought. Things going on I never thought I would see in my lifetime. Nearing 50 years of age I realize what I thought was a perfect world is not and never was. I was just seeing things through my eyes.
Look if it was all about me God would just make it 55 degrees every day but as you have noticed we have an abundance of someone's idea of a perfect day every day. Lets look beyond ourselves and make this a more perfect world.
Kenney Big Skinny Pope
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