Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Power of Prayer

I can still remember being a bright eyed 5 year old in Sunday school. I remember the flannel board with the paper cut outs that would stick to it and the Bible lessons taught. I remember just ordinary every day men and women bringing the teachings that they had spent the week preparing.  One particular Sunday I remember a lesson on prayer. It was as I recall a cut out of what was supposed to be Jesus. He was in the Garden sad as he prayed to God. He knew what the task was in front of him. He knew there was going to be physical pain as well as emotional. He was asking God if there was another way but all the while praying God's will be done. That was and is the greatest example of prayer we have or will ever know. 
      That first lesson on prayer left an impression on me but as I got older and learned to pray I realized some truths about prayer. You hear constantly about praying for riches. You know name it claim it type stuff. Send me a 100 dollars and we will send you a prayer cloth. I think and this is my opinion,  you in this lifetime will only get what is according to God's will. No more no less.  We have prayer as a way to praise God for being almighty, for thanking him all he has done for us, to pray for people to find him, to pray for our leaders, to pray for those sick and Afflicted, traveling mercies, to thank him for meals and for forgiveness of sin. There are many more reasons to pray, but it is never for selfish reasons.
     The reason I bring this up today is because today like many times in the past I'm praying for loved ones afflicted with terminal diseases. Just like I prayed for my mother I am praying for these 2 individuals. The news is not hopeful. I have prayed to God countless times. I bawled and cried and was sincere. Why God aren't you listening? I'm doing everything right. You said to come to you when we had a need. You can see the need God. Why God Why are you allowing this. Why aren't my prayers being answered? Maybe just maybe it's for this reason. Maybe I forgot to realize that only the prayers that are in line with his will are answered.
1John 5:14  And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
We have no idea what God's plans are. We just have to accept it. It hurts and sometimes it isn't pleasant. This doesn't mean we should stop praying. When you were younger and your parents who were watching out for you denied a request from you, did you stop asking for stuff? No you kept asking and they would give you whatever you asked for if they they thought it best for you.  Right now as l write this all I hear is no to my request. I don't see the watchful parent's eye looking out for the grand scheme of things. I lost my Oldest brother back in 1984 and still can't figure out why God took him.  All I have is my faith and hope and without those I'm nothing.
  Love you
Kenney Pope 

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