Those three words have been uttered millions of times to gauge the non-severity of a given situation. We have all heard it. Standing behind someone hesitant to make a decision. Come on man Pick what flavor of ice cream you want "it's not life or death".
What does that even mean? Does the flavor of the ice cream, have any effect whatsoever on the outcome of your life? Life or Death very interesting.
The reason I brought this up is because of a couple events that have happened in the last couple of weeks. Both could have been life changing or life ending to say the least. Luckily in both events God was watching over us. Lets look at event number one.
It was on a Saturday We (Cynthia ,Jeli, Alexis and I ) were coming back from a cheer clinic in Athens TX we had taken Jeli to. We had a great time and we were discussing the possibility of Jeli going to college closer to home. Today was already in a time crunch because we had to go home and get ready to go to a class reunion of sorts. Well it was a bunch of former classmates getting together. As we are driving down the road making plans for the evening we get the call no parent wants to ever get. It was Cynthia's oldest Anna, they have been in a vehicle accident. Here we are trying to get information over the phone as to where they are at. "Slow down give us the intersection". "Tell us where you are, we will head that way". All of a sudden the mood changes. What was full of life and a zest for it, all the plans made for the night every funny story. It is suddenly deathly somber. We don't know the details we have no clue as to the severity of the situation. All we know is that people die in car crashes. Silent prayers and hoping for the best.
When we arrived in Burleson on the scene of the accident there was an ambulance, police cars and fire trucks. Let me just say this, there is no love quite like a mother's love. Cynthia rushed to the back of the ambulance. They were fine minus some bumps and bruises. I walked over to look at the car that she was riding in with a friend. The crash was on the passenger side,the door was caved in and by the looks of it, could have been a lot more severe. Let's look at event number 2
Friday Night I had been working at the station In Cleburne . I had gotten off of work and was going to meet up with Cynthia in downtown Fort Worth for dinner. It was already after 10 at night so I knew it was going to be semi late night. Cynthia, her sister Claudia and Alexis Cynthia's next to eldest daughter were all waiting patiently for me to get to them so they could eat. Okay fast forward a couple of hours. I am driving home on I-30 West. I am probably less than 5 miles from my house. I am watching my rear view mirror and see a car driving erratically. It is weaving in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed. I slow down to let them pass. They are just inches from hitting the side of my truck. I slow way down and let them get as far ahead as possible. I only have a few more miles I can drive 45 mph or so until I exit. Something told me to slow down . This same car wiped out on the side of the road tried to come back on the road from the left median, spun out again but this time hitting the center guardrail median protector and hit one of the big overhead light poles. This yahoo was still trying to get back on the highway. He finally gave up and his car finally came to a rest on the left shoulder. Wow just a few minutes ago we were laughing and cutting up having fun, you know full of life. But in an instant death showed what he is capable of.
My point is every decision is life or death. We don't have a crystal ball that tells us when our time is up. Even if we did, would you want to know. We are faced with the reality every day. No one is promised tomorrow. The truth is we all live breath to breath. My dad is 78 years old and gave us all quite the scare last December. I will leave you with one thought cause I have ran on enough. My Pastor used say a lot when I was a youngster,(I never really thought much of at the time). "You might put your shoes on this morning but the undertaker is taking them off tonight." There is a very thin line between life and death. Be safe out there.
Big Skinny
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