Life as I See It

Life as I See It
Me and my beautiful wife to be, Cynthia

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Brown Bag Lunch

One of the things I most remember as a child was the brown bag lunch mom made us for school. I know we weren't rich but my parents couldn't afford to pay for school lunches for the four of us in school at the time. I would be envious of my friend eating their tray of food.
    Well I have to say our lunches were the worst. First let me say that up until I was probably a junior in high school, the only sandwich condiment in the house was miracle whip. I hate everything about this condiment. From the way it smells to the the horrible taste.  So mom made everyone's sandwiches the same.  It started with the best bread known to man, Mrs. Bairds, then she would slather the miracle whip on it. Not a little but a lot. I now have to tell you about the pressed ham that we were given. It was like a ham version of particle board with chunks of meat and fat. It had a sickly sweet taste that did not enhance the miracle whip one iota. She would usually buy 2-3 lbs a week so no chance whatsoever we were running out. So she would create these masterpiece of a non tasty sandwich. Then there was the mix mash of some kind of chip. Let me explain this. She had this Tupperware type bucket with a lid. Every new bag of chips was dumped in there. Did not matter the kind flavor or shape. Now as long as you were getting the new chips off of the top it was fine. But go a few days and start getting close to the bottom of the barrel you would find an assortment of nice stale chips. She did not check them for freshness she was just mass producing lunches.
As if the lunch itself wasn't bad enough, it had to sit in a hot locker transforming and metamorphosising into what can be described as a slimy hot mess. I would walk to the school cafeteria and in the garbage my lunch would go, save my little Debbie. Mom always wondered why I was so hungry after school.
When I went to work with Dad I learned quickly his hand made lunch was slightly worse. Same base ingredients but his meat of choice was spam. I did learn how to make my own lunch thankfully. Now a days its mostly leftovers from the night before. Cynthia usually packs my lunch and we both hate miracle whip so I'm blessed there.
I never once complained to mom. I was happy when we discovered mustard though. She did the best she could I loved her for it. I learned to be happy with what we had. I learned to appreciate the occasional hot lunch and not take it for granted. I learned that a failed experiment of olive loaf did not enhance my lunch at all in fact probably lowered it a notch or two. My mom did so many things right it is hard to complain about a brown bag lunch. I have to say to this day I will not pack my lunch in a brown bag.
Did I mention I hate miracle whip.

Kenney Big Skinny Pope

Saturday, June 20, 2015

My Hero

All of my life that I can remember, I have had what I consider to be the perfect role model. I know he is not perfect. He is just a human I am blessed to call my dad.
My dad was not the disciplinary figure in our house. That duty was left to mom. They both had their strengths. Now every once in a while mom would get fed up with us and make the threat to us. You just wait until your dad gets home. To be totally honest that did not worry me as much as my mom getting after us. Dad would try but even if we were getting spanked by him he would be laughing about it. He knew kid were going to be kids. I think he grew up in a family of 11 or 12 kids himself.
If we wanted to go somewhere we would always go to dad first. He always said yes. Somewhere along the way this caused controversy between my parents because after a while we would get the answer to ask your mom. Dad always told mom if she was being to hard on us. He was our advocate. Sometimes it would cause an argument between my parents and they wouldn't talk for a few days.
He was quick to give you what you needed to get out of a jam. Fixed my cars more times than I can count. He would loan you money unconditionally. His heart is huge. I remember working for him and it was winter time and I was broke. I needed 20.00 to buy a wiper motor for my car. Him and mom were sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. Mom says we don't have it. She got up and walked out the door and headed off  to work. When she was pulling out of the driveway,my dad reaches into his wallet and hands me a twenty dollar bill and says don't tell your mom. I never thought about whether I was putting him in a bind or not but that's the kind of man he is. He always put his kids first.
I worked hard for my dad to earn his respect. We worked together for 15 plus years. He could always depend on me to be at work because I didn't want to let him down. Any extra construction or roofing jobs he did away from work I was there to help him. We did not see eye to eye always. He has his way of doing things and that's the way he wants them done. But that's fair it was his reputation and name on the line with each job we did not mine. I miss those days often and our conversations to and from the job sites. That is what I treasure because none of my other siblings  got to know dad like that. I saw  a side that no one else did.
I remember how safe I felt with my dad at home. Whether it was him running around the house shutting windows during a bad storm or being a rock with the loss of immediate family members I felt safe. I can't ever remember panicking during a storm then like I do now. I'm supposed to be that rock.
My super hero never has to hide his secret identity I already know who he is. I realize how fortunate I am to have a man adopt me and two siblings raise us as his own with three of his own children. That is taking on a super size burden.
You will always be my example . I wish I could be more like you and less like me.
Love you dad Happy Fathers day

Sunday, June 14, 2015


It's that time of the week to relax and slow down. A day of rest. We are moving at the speed of light all week, everyone going in different directions. Sunday is like a traffic light at a busy intersection. Everything should come to a stop and wait for the green light. ( Monday). It's a time of family and reflection of the past week. Its a time of laughter and prayer. It's a day of food and fellowship. It's a day to stand still and let God lead and teach.
At least that's what Sunday is to me. I will admit my spiritual life has changed a lot since I was a kid. I don't go to church like I should. I probably don't pray near enough. But I do listen to God and I do pray often. I know you should be in church on Sunday but I also believe you don't have to be in church to worship and honor God.
That's contrary to the way I was raised. I remember being in church every time the doors were open. All of my siblings in the row in front of mom and Dad. I remember that being the only time I would ever hear my dad sing. My dad was a roofer not a singer thankfully. I can remember being thumped in the ear if I got rowdy in church or worse being spanked in front of God and everybody. It was a different time back then.
Sundays were the days I think back on a lot. We would work Saturday prepping for Sundays. I remember many a Saturday night watching wrestling while shelling black eyed peas for lunch on Sunday. I remember mom slow cooking a pot roast for lunch after church. The smell filled the house. Sometimes friends would come over after church sometimes it was just us.
Fall Sundays were the best. We would eat lunch and watch football. Sometimes I would get to go play football with my older brothers. Those are days I won't forget.
We didn't have the internet or cell phone. We could seriously unplug from all of society and just relax. I was talking to a friend yesterday and was asking about a news story on earlier in the day. He said he hadn't heard the news because he had been out all day and was totally unplugged. I can't remember when was the last time I went a day like that.
I was taught Sunday is the day of rest. Get your mind right. Enjoy your family and great food. Listen and learn from God as he leads you. Pray for those in need whether family or friends. Get ready for another week. Enjoy your Sunday Don't live with regrets life is too short for that.

Kenney Pope

Sunday, June 7, 2015

What Next

The Bell has rang for the last time. Yes it takes a while to sink in. It's a milestone in your life. Time to start a new chapter. Not just for the Summer but forever. Life is going to change. People who you have spent the better part of your life with, will become a memory. You will want to see them more just to hang out but life gets in the way. That teacher that's your favorite she will be someone you always think back on fondly for giving you inspiration.
As I'm sitting through a graduation ceremony yesterday I couldn't help but think of my own. It's hard for me to think it has been 31 years since the day that changed my life forever. You sit there in your chair not realizing all that lies in front of you.   We had dreams and aspirations. We had goals and ideas how we want our life to look. I can't speak for all my classmates, for me life has unfolded differently than imagined.
Now that's not necessarily a bad thing. As I stated last week some things you just can't plan for. I wish I would have had a better plan. One that included a lot more college in it. My parents never really pushed me on that. I will say my mom once came to me and said if I became a radiation tech that she would pay my college tuition. I always saw that as a random job choice for me. I declined the offer told her it was not for me. Looking back I  wonder where I would be had I said yes.
Are there some things I would change? Most definitely. I am happy the way life turned out. In my mind I wonder what I could have done for a different result. How just one thing or decision could have pointed life in a different direction.
        I am just thinking about the rah rah speeches from yesterday. Go get the world. Never quit. Tell yourself you can do it. I wished I would have been better prepared. That's on me for taking school and education so lightly. You better be a willing learner in the life of hard knocks.
The future comes at us every second of the day. There is no going back wards. You only get to do it once. It's like shaping something in quick set cement. You can mold it and then the shape of life is set.  You can smooth the edges and maybe chisel out something here and there to alter it but its still the shape you started with. Here is that day for all of the seniors. A container of quick set is in front of you. 
Congratulations to all of you who  made it. It's an exciting and scary time. The future tends to be that way.  Remember it only gets tougher from here. What next? That's for you to decide.